Skin is the most vital organ of our body. It is the skin which controls the temperature of the body and removes all the impurities of the body. We always need to pamper our skin by applying and eating healthy things. Our skin gets effects from sunlight and pollution. One must take proper care of skin so that you have a healthy and glowing skin.
One has to do a lot to maintain the skin. The very important factor which all of us ignore is that when you go to some store beauty corner, you get to see lots of products and you don’t know much about the. Always get those products which key ingredients are vitamins. Always get good brands products.
There are many creams and gels available in the market which has vitamins but we will talk about some of them which are really effective. Vitamin A creams is full of healthy nutrients but don’t use it too much, just once a day. Vitamin A is a retinol so use it less.
Vitamin C is best for skin it boosts the skin and gives an instant glow. Vitamin E is best for skin, it is an anti oxidant. It is best to use for eyes and it is a form of energy for the skin. If you want to have healthy skin do not forget to use sun block, it prevents your skin from harmful sun.
It is very vital to give the skin proper food. Water is the key ingredient to keep skin healthy and fresh. Water wash out all the harmful waste from the body and it cleans the skin. It liquefies with other things and takes all the nutrients to every cell which is present in the body. The concept is wrong that water will hydrate your skin, it directly doesn’t but it will protect your skin.
Eat things such as Yogurt and kefir, whatever we eat will on the skin. Many skin problems always arise when you don’t eat healthy food. Eat things which are healthy and fresh. Fruits and vegetables are perfect to keep healthy skin, these all are natural and will give soothing effect to the skin. You will have red checks if you will have fruits.
Smoking is injurious to health and it is a fact. Smoking makes your skin looks old and adds wrinkles to your skin. Smoking makes the blood vessels thin and in a way decreased the blood flow. This reduces the oxygen of the skin and all the healthy nutrients of the skin. Smoking harms the elasticity of the skin. Quit smoking as soon as you can to get healthy skin.
Skin is very sensitive so always treat it with love. Don’t take long baths or hot water shower as it eliminates all the oils from the skin. Don’t use very strong soaps, use mild soaps which don’t even kill friendly bacteria from the skin. Use moisturizer that is according to your skin type.
Stress and anger can make you skin sensitive and sometimes it can lead to acne and other problems. One must have good state of mind, don’t get stress out. Enjoy your life and see a difference on the skin.
Makeup is very essential, woman use lot of heavy makeup and they usually don’t remove it properly and sleep. This is very dangerous for the skin. Do makeup but use good makeup remover and wash your face properly at night. Use a good night lotion; this will give glow to your skin. Take care of the things you use such as makeup brushes must be properly clean and well maintained.
Skin is the best gift of God. If you have healthy skin, everyone will adore you. Skin needs it food and care: one should never neglect it. Eat healthy and stay positive to have healthy and happier skin.