The Miss Pakistan World pageant has been going for 8 years, and every year a dozen finalists gather together in Toronto, Canada for the pageant. A medium sized pageant, which attracts contestants from the United Kingdom, Canada, United States, and sometimes, Hong Kong, Dubai and even Norway. So how do these contestants come from all walks of life and all different continents sometimes? And what exactly is the application process.
Almost never advertized, the Miss Pakistan World pageant has been lucky, as it is the only pageant in the world for Pakistan. So there is no publicity needed usually, as most people know about the pageant. Once the first step is completed, another detailed form will be sent with documents to go over again, which includes the complete process of the pageant and the date and other details. Once the contestant goes over all the necessary documents and emails it to the Miss Pakistan World pageant, then within a few days a final notice of whether she is accepted or not is sent.
The pageant seeks an individual who is well maintained in physique, an achiever, education, work or job; height is taken into consideration as well since it is after all a beauty pageant. After the contestant becomes a finalist then she is sent material to study about Pakistan, by heart the national anthem, learn about the politicians, history, tourism, monuments, provinces and much more. A finalist must keep herself updated with all the daily news and information about Pakistan in order to succeed in the Miss Pakistan World pageant. It is very important.
Pakistani girls from Pakistan want to apply, but the main issue with this pageant is that for security reasons, the pageant takes place in a very peace loving nation – Canada. It is completely useless to hold it in Pakistan when the situation is so volatile. Thus, this gives way to other Pakistani girls living abroad to take part. If there are Pakistani girls who have no issues with the visas and coming to Canada, then the pageant does allow that. But the visa issues take a long process and sometimes can get refused.
Even though Pakistan is struggling with this concept, Pakistani girls from the USA, UK, Canada, China, Dubai and Europe are building the pageant industry for Pakistan.