The Choridar pajamas are one of the most adopted outfits by the Pakistani women. It’s the essential part of Pakistani fashion since its origin in the royal forts of Mughal Empire. Women of every age in Asia and in Pakistan particularly wear Choridar pajama with long forks and long kameez.
The Choridar pajamas are so ‘in” in the Pakistani fashion that on some particular occasion like mayo and Mehndi boys also prefer to wear it. The Choridar pajamas are long and tight once you put it on you can manage the curls of it. They are stitched longer then legs due to which they produce more curls which is their ultimate beauty.
Choridar pajamas are made of almost every fabric. However, the silk made choridars are much more preferred by Pakistani men and women.
The Choridar pajama is glorious Mughal outfit. You will be amaze to know that Anar kali, the unfortunate love interest of Prince Salim used to wear heart arresting and feminine Choridar pajamas, off course to take away prince’s heart.
Choridar pajamas are widely adopted by people of every nation. Such as Maha Rajas, who wear them along with Sherwani and kurtas. Besides, it’s worn by Kashmiris with loosely appeared coats and above all Mughal women used to wear them with long transparent skirts.
Choridar pajamas are one of the best outfits which enhance the delicateness of women’s personality. It gives you a bright young and delicate woman outlook. It’s fully feminine but also looks great on men. Choridar pajamas are designed especially for enhancing the contours of legs. It’s close fitting and lots of choriya that its design produces looks ethereal and soft.
In Pakistani fashion scene, it’s very much experimented and used. Weather its award show or whether it’s the traditional ceremonies of wedding, choridar pajama is hot and ever green trend. So have one in your wardrobe and make the people say “wow” this summer.