The duo that created a Krizmah craze, Zainab Alam and Nadia Malik have released a new collection titled My Secret Garden. Based on the unique style vision of ‘My Secret Garden’, the Summer 2012 luxury bag collection illustrates refined silhouettes offering a modern flair to tote bags and clutches.
The brand is known for creating an eclectic style of fashionable designs integrating chic prints with the cultural richness of Chitral.
The new collection My Secret Garden is an improved range of handbags, with the use of luxurious printed lining, and imported Italian accessories.
“The leather used have been selected from the export category, the introduction of metallics has spruced up the entire collection. We have come up with formal bags, which are rendered in gold and bronze threads, along with the traditional use of cotton threads in the embroideries,” explained Zainab Alam.
The chic design patterns used in the collection utilizes spacious bags with refined export quality leather, matched to compliment the embroidery it is being used to embellish. “the leather was selected based on the particular bag in order to inculcate the color selection,” stated Zainab Alam.