Sameera Reddy is pregnant with her second child and the 34-year-old actress, who is in the last trimester of her pregnancy, recently featured in a underwater photoshoot, pictures of which are now going viral on social media. Sameera dropped maternity gowns and chose swimwear, in colours neon green and pink, to rock her maternity photoshoot. As quoted by Times of India, the actress, in a recent interview, revealed that the photoshoot has given her a lot of confidence and she feels proud that she could pull it off, with support from her friends and family. In the photographs, she can be seen flaunting her baby bump in bikinis — one hot pink and one neon green — all underwater at a hotel’s swimming pool in Mumbai.
“Reflecting! I’m proud to say these pictures are #nofilter #notouchup #nophotoshop,” she wrote.
Sameera married businessman Akshai Varde in 2014. She delivered her first born, a son in 2015. But her first time pregnancy experience, as she had earlier said, left her feeling torn between the reality and the pressure to portray an “unreal life” as a celebrity. “I got pregnant in just a couple of months after my marriage. The game plan was to have the pregnancy and bounce back and to get in the limelight again. But I have never experienced anything like that… It was just the opposite. “It was the worst case scenario of what I could’ve imagined in terms of my body and the way I fell apart as a person because the pregnancy was very tough for me,” she had earlier told IANS.