Ali Zafar has launched his latest album ‘Jhoom’ in the most eccentric and incredible way. It was not quintessential press conference with snacks being served to the guests but was an extravagant romantic evening studded with stars and a lot of music. ‘Jhoom‘ is Zafar’s third album with a tagline ‘sab keh sang jhoom’.
The album is essentially a sufi album and is definitely a must-hear for all Ali Zafar fans, especially those who’ve loved his style in the first two seasons of Coke Studio.
Ali Zafar has launched his latest album 'Jhoom' in the most eccentric and incredible way.
1. Launch of Jhoom by Ali Zafar
Ali Zafar launch his new album Jhoom.
2. Launch of Jhoom by Ali Zafar
Ali Zafar and Faisal
3. Launch of Jhoom by Ali Zafar
Ali Zafar and Aijaaz Aslam
4. Launch of Jhoom by Ali Zafar
Ali Zafar and Faakhir
5. Launch of Jhoom by Ali Zafar
Ali Zafar Performing
6. Launch of Jhoom by Ali Zafar
Ali Zafar Performing
7. Launch of Jhoom by Ali Zafar
Ali Zafar with Dr. Shaista Wahidi
8. Launch of Jhoom by Ali Zafar
Ali Zafar with Friend
9. Launch of Jhoom by Ali Zafar
Ali Zafar Performing